Dual Occupancy

Looking for Dual Occupancy In Sydney ?

If you're looking for a Dual occupancy building company that provides the best service in Sydney Australia, you've come to the right place.
Here at ATBC, we specialize in building modern dual living spaces that will perfectly fit taste.
Dual occupancy can be the best option for your home design because of its immense application and benefits.
Dual Occupancy Sydney

Why Consider Dual occupancy:

When you build dual occupancy means a dual-living house you’re successfully building 2 separate opportunities under the same roof. Here are the reasons why should consider dual occupancy:

  • You can earn more income when renting both houses separately to different tenants
  • You can live in one and the other house will pay off the mortgage
  • You can sell each house separately
  • Income tax reductions are often available for dual occupancy.
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